Hashimoto's Disease

Genistein and Hashimoto’s Disease

Can Genistein Help Heal Hashimoto’s Disease and Hypothyroidism?

In the fall of 2016, a study was conducted in China and published in the medical journal Immunobiology. The researchers looked at the compound genistein and Hashimoto’s disease to see if it affected thyroid function in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.  The research paper was entitled, “Genistein improves thyroid function in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis patients through regulating Th1 cytokines.”  To clarify, “Th1 cytokines” refer to a type of thyroid-helper cells that indicate how much inflammation there might be in the thyroid gland.  In other words, they are markers of inflammation.

The results of this study were very exciting so you might want to pay close attention.

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Hashimoto's Disease

Aloe vera and Hashimoto’s Disease

Aloe vera is one of the oldest medicinal plants we know of that was used by the ancient Egyptians who called it “the plant of immortality.” And 200 years ago Greek scientists considered Aloe vera a “universal panacea.” Aloe vera is technically named Aloe barbadensis and you most likely have heard of using Aloe topically for burns or internally for soothing an inflamed gut.

I’ve used Aloe vera over the years as one of the compounds in a gut-healing supplement I use for leaky gut, inflammatory bowel, SIBO, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. It works extremely well at reducing inflammation and repairing inflamed and damaged mucus membranes in the gut and the urinary tract. I have also used it quite successfully with the bladder pain caused by interstitial cystitis.

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Does the Ketogenic Diet Cause Hypothyroidism?

The ketogenic diet is currently sweeping the internet and the diet book world as the best thing since sliced bread for everything under the sun. Unfortunately, you can’t eat bread on the ketogenic diet and it really can be difficult to follow for some people.

Since I work with many patients who have Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism, I wanted to investigate whether the ketogenic diet can cause hypothyroidism or decrease thyroid function. Let’s jump into the research and see what it has to say.

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The Thyroid and Thyroid Hormones

The thyroid is a small gland that lies in the neck about the level of the Adam’s apple and weighs approximately one ounce.  It produces thyroid hormone and calcitonin.  The parathyroid glands are very small and lie on the outside portion of the thyroid gland and secrete parathyroid hormone.  Thyroid hormone ignites your metabolism so you can burn fat and produce energy.  We will be focusing on thyroid hormone.

The thyroid gland is stimulated to make thyroid hormone by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) which is produced in the pituitary gland located in the brain.  The pituitary is controlled by the hypothalamus in the brain which monitors the amount of circulating thyroid hormone.  Iodine must enter the thyroid gland through a transport system that is repaired with the intake of vitamin C.  There is usually about 20-30 mg of iodine in the body and 75 percent of it is stored in the thyroid.  In addition to iodine, iron, tyrosine, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, copper, and vitamins B2, B3, and B6 are required for thyroid hormone production.

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