Heal Your Oral Microbiome

Heal Your Oral Microbiome

In this episode of Functional Medicine Research, I interview my friend and colleague Cass Nelson-Dooley, M.S. in a discussion on how to heal your oral microbiome. Cass recently published the book “Heal Your Oral Microbiome” and we discussed many important topics about this often overlooked health issue. We discussed what conditions may be connected to a dysbiotic oral microbiome, how oral microbiome dysbiosis affects your health, health sweeteners, strategies to heal the oral microbiome, testing, dental products and more. If you’re struggling with healing your gut or have a health issue that won’t resolve, your oral microbiome may be the missing link.

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The Bi-Phasic SIBO Diet with Dr. Nirala Jacobi

The Bi-Phasic SIBO Diet with Dr. Nirala Jacobi

In this episode of the Functional Medicine Research podcast, I interview Dr. Nirala Jacobi in a discussion about the Bi-Phasic SIBO Diet.  I have successfully used the Bi-Phasic SIBO Diet with many of my patients so I was excited to cover this topic with Dr. Jacobi.  We discussed the specifics of the diet including the various phases, oxalates, salicylates, FODMAPs, vegetarian options, candida, histamine, fermented foods, MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome), SIFO (Small Intestinal Fungal Overgrowth), DAO, hydrogen sulfide, hypnotherapy, DNRS and much more.  If you have SIBO or are a practitioner working with SIBO patients, this is one interview you don’t want to miss.

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What is the Best Fiber Supplement?

Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet but like anything we consume, too much or too little may be problematic.  Fiber has been touted as an extremely important nutrient but is it really as beneficial as it is purported to be? When used at the right time in the right individual, fiber can be a game changer for healing the gut and improving overall health.  Let’s discuss the health benefits of fiber and the best fiber supplements if supplementation is necessary.

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