Hashimoto’s Disease Improves by Eradicating Blastocystis Hominis

GI-MAP Stool Test Interpretation

In this episode of Functional Medicine Research, I interview Tom Fabian, PhD in a detailed discussion about the GI-MAP stool test interpretation. We covered virtually every aspect of the GI-MAP stool test including what the test results mean and how to use them in clinical practice.

Dr. Fabian has tremendous knowledge of the gut microbiome and the intricacies of the GI-MAP stool test markers. This is a vital interivew to listen to if you’re utilizing the GI-MAP stool test in your practice.

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Heal Your Oral Microbiome

Heal Your Oral Microbiome

In this episode of Functional Medicine Research, I interview my friend and colleague Cass Nelson-Dooley, M.S. in a discussion on how to heal your oral microbiome. Cass recently published the book “Heal Your Oral Microbiome” and we discussed many important topics about this often overlooked health issue. We discussed what conditions may be connected to a dysbiotic oral microbiome, how oral microbiome dysbiosis affects your health, health sweeteners, strategies to heal the oral microbiome, testing, dental products and more. If you’re struggling with healing your gut or have a health issue that won’t resolve, your oral microbiome may be the missing link.

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