Ashok Gupta Limbic System Retraining

Limbic System Retraining with Ashok Gupta

In this episode of Functional Medicine Research, I interview Ashok Gupta about his limbic system retraining program. Trauma of any kind can change the brain and nervous system in a way that prevents one from getting well. Many people never get well because they don’t address the underlying trauma that has triggered or contributed to their health challenges.
If you’ve tried eating right, exercising, sleeping well, taken the best supplements, and managed your stress, but you still aren’t feeling well, your brain and nervous system may be out of balance. The Gupta Program is designed to change the neuroplasticity of your brain and nervous system so you can heal and feel well again.
We discuss a new and exciting published paper that validates this method of limbic system retraining.

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Can Stress Override a Healthy Diet?

A fair number of the patients I see are already eating a healthy diet but they’re still not feeling well. Once we delve deep into their history and their lives, it becomes very clear that stress is at the bedrock of their illness. It’s extremely frustrating to be eating well all the time but still experiencing symptoms.

We know that stress shuts down digestion including suppression of stomach acid, bile flow, and pancreatic function. All of these are necessary for healthy digestion but if we’re stressed while we are eating, that healthy food we’re putting into our bodies won’t get digested properly and it may have some more interesting effects on the body.

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