Autoimmune Disease

What Causes Alopecia Areata and Universalis?

Read the transcript to this video below on what causes Alopecia areata and universalis:

Greetings, friends. This is Dr. Nik Hedberg and today I’m going to be taking about all the possible causes of alopecia areata and alopecia universalis. Autoimmune diseases are significantly on the rise, and alopecia can be a devastating condition, not only personally but also professionally. And there are a lot of holistic options out there for alopecia. And I’ve had some great success over the years identifying the underlying causes of alopecia and helping patients regrow their hair. So I wanted to share some of my knowledge about alopecia and what I’ve found to be, really, the main causes of alopecia. So I’ve created this diagram for you with all of the main potential causes of alopecia.

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