Hashimoto's Disease

Hashimoto’s Disease: The Infection Connection

Hashimoto’s disease can have many triggers including iodine, low birth weight, pregnancy, smoking, mercury, drugs, stress, leaky gut, environmental toxins, and of course infections.  This article will focus on the connection between infections and Hashimoto’s disease.

The infection connection and Hashimoto’s disease is something I have been investigating since 2005 when I first learned about the connection between Yersinia enterocolitica and Hashimoto’s disease.  Since then, I’ve been researching the infection connection to Hashimoto’s disease and science continues to shed more light on this area.

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Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Yersinia Enterocolitica Infection

Yersinia enterocolitica is one of the most common infections I see in my patients who have Hashimoto’s disease.  Let us explore some basic information about Yersinia so you can understand it better and how it relates to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

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